The Importance of Regular Plumbing Maintenance

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The Importance of Regular Plumbing Maintenance

In the United States, there are over 34 billion gallons of wastewater processed each day. That is a significant amount of flow! As you can imagine, with water constantly flowing in and out of your toilets and house, it is important to have regular maintenance checks done.

Anything from sewer pipe lining, sump pumps, to simple spot repair could be in need of maintenance. Especially when it comes to spot repair, it is important to act fast to prevent larger plumbing problems from occurring.

Here are the main reasons for staying on top of your plumbing spot repair:

Excessive Water Damage to Walls and Flooring: A small leak might seem like no big deal at first, and it usually isn’t a big deal to fix either! Unfortunately, that is why so many people put off fixing small leaks. However, a leak in the pipework of your plumbing system could be a warning sign that there are more internal problems. Sometimes, when it comes to pipework, there may be no visible leaks. Often the leaks are behind the walls. This is one of the major reasons why it is important to have regular plumbing maintenance checks done (we recommend once per quarter). Ignoring spot repair in your plumbing could cause significant damage to floors and walls in your home. Rotting wood, ruining insulation, and damaging electrical wiring are just a few of the problems that can occur from a plumbing breakdown. Trust us, it is a LOT easier and cheaper to call a plumber now than it is to wait and see what happens in a few weeks or months.

Damage to Water Fixtures: Leaks can even cause damage to the water fixtures such as shower heads and sink fixtures. Make sure to take care of small leaks and spot repairs immediately to avoid the need to run down to a home repair store to purchase new fixtures.

Dangerous Mold Growth: This is perhaps one of the most important reasons to get regular plumbing checks done. Mold growth is gross, and in some cases downright dangerous. Musty odor and the appearance of small black spots are two obvious signs of mold growth. If you have experienced frequent leaks in your home, there are probably issues with your internal plumbing and possibly a buildup of mold on the interior of your walls. Treating the mold without fixing the underlying plumbing problem is very ineffective. The mold will simply regrow in the dark, damp area you have allowed it. Make sure to immediately call a plumber if you have experienced mold growth in your home.

Costly Water Bill: That’s right, every month you haven’t fixed that leak, you have been flushing money down the drain. If you notice a spike in the water bill one month, that is usually a good indication that there are some leaky pipes in need of spot repair. Acting fast in these situations could be the difference between paying a few hundred dollars in plumbing maintenance or a few thousand in home repairs. Additionally, it is a good investment in your future as it will save you from overpaying on your water bill each month.

There are three things you should consistently check on that will help you catch small plumbing problems: leaks, pressure, and corrosion. When it comes to leaks, they are usually pretty obvious. Leaky faucets and shower heads are the most common. Having a constant drip is annoying, costs you money, and is an indication of future problems if left untreated.

Sediment buildup or clogged pipes might start causing a pressure spike. Normal water pressure for a home is between 35-80 PSI. If you notice your water pressure is out of that range, either high or low, that is a problem. High pressure could indicate a clog somewhere and prime your home for a potential pipe burst. Low pressure could indicate a major leak or pipe burst already. Call us now for a regular maintenance check and to get an updated list of tips to keep your plumbing performing perfectly.

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