3 Reasons Why a Sewer Line Inspection Should Be On a Homeowner's Checklist

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3 Reasons Why a Sewer Line Inspection Should Be On a Homeowner's Checklist

An average of 20% of Americans use a septic tank to dispose of their sewage. The additional 80% of Americans, those without septic systems, utilize municipal waste disposal. Twenty percent may not seem like a high number in the scheme of things, but considering the United States has a population of over 327 million, 20% adds up quickly.

To put it frankly, the 65 million people relying on their own septic systems will have a lot of waste over the course of a year, and some of those people are guaranteed to have problems with their septic systems. The unfortunate fact of the matter is problems with septic systems tend to be very expensive because they are not often identified before the problem becomes much worse. And who can be blamed? Septic lines are buried underground, so identifying problems with the system if there are no apparent issues is nearly impossible. So those unidentified problems build up and up until they, quite literally, burst. And when they burst, it’s usually at an incredibly inconvenient time and in an incredibly inconvenient place.

Instead of paying thousands of dollars for an urgent repair to your septic system, you can begin to counteract these problems before they become too large to handle. The beauty of a sewer line inspection is that your septic system doesn’t have to be dug up, and there’s no mess left for you to clean up after an unfortunate incident. A professional utilizes a small camera within sewage pipes to identify potential issues, like clogs, cracks, or tree roots affecting the pipes. Once the camera inspection identifies an issue, it can then be taken care of with some fairly simple fixes, before the problem grows out of hand and requires sewer repair.

With just this information, getting sewer line inspections seems like a regular necessity, but if you need some solid reasons as to why you should schedule those regular inspections, read on for three reasons.

Identify Problems Before They Happen

As mentioned, sewer line inspections can help you avoid doling out money on expensive sewer repairs. If saving money isn’t a good enough reason for you, consider the comfort of your home and family. Problems with the sewer lines don’t just come from clogged toilets; any source of water in the house, such as the washing machine or a shower, can cause toilets attached to those lines with problems to overflow, leaving a mess in various parts of the house. And if you have more than one bathroom, you could be in for more than one mess to clean up.

Make It Easier To Sell Your House

If you want to move, selling your house is a lot of work. There are a ton of steps that need to be taken just to prepare your house to be listed on the market, and at the top of your list of priorities should be a sewer line inspection. If a home buyer is as savvy as you are, they’re going to identify the septic system as one of the areas that should be checked before they agree to buy. And anything major identified before a purchase is going to fall back on you, the homeowner, to correct in order to sell that house. Identify any potential issues early, and make plans to repair or replace portions of the septic system.

Avoid a Headache When You Move In

Imagine now that you’re looking to buy a home. You find the perfect place at the right price, but when you move in, you find yourself with a host of septic system problems. With the help of a sewer line inspection, the costly and inconvenient septic repairs you find yourself stuck with could have been identified beforehand and saved you the added stress of septic back up on top of moving into a new house. The simple action of a sewer line inspection produces information that’s too valuable to pass up, so don’t avoid scheduling that inspection, and keeping regular inspections a part of your home owning experience.

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